The Upstate Workforce Board and the Greenville Workforce Development Board have issued the following Regional Policies. Please note that both boards are in the process of identifying additional joint policies. Should you not see a Regional Policy on the desired topic, please refer to the appropriate local areas local instruction letters. For additional guidance, please review State Instruction Letters and TEGL's when necessary. You may also contact Dana Wood for questions pertaining to Cherokee, Spartanburg and Union Counties. Eva Anagnostis can be reached at for questions pertaining to Greenville County policies.   

Regional Polices for SC Works Greater Upstate: 
Cherokee, Greenville, Spartanburg and Union Counties

R17-01 Amendment 1 Allowable Training Activities/Cost Limits

R17-02  Amendment 3 Supportive Service Procedures 

R17-03  Grant Modification Procedures

R17-04 Amendment 2  Adult Priority of Service Procedures

R17-05  Local Sanctions Procedures

R17-07 Amendment 1  WIOA Waivers Form

R17-08  WIOA Transitional Jobs Policy

R17-09  Stand Up Meetings 

R18-01  SC Works Branding Guidelines and Expectations

R18-03 Amendment 1 Federal Bonding Program and Work Opportunity Tax Credit

R18-04  Participant Release of Information

R18-06 Suitability 

R18-07  Drug Testing Policy for the Greater Upstate Region

R18-08 VETS

R18-09 Amendment 1 Follow Up Policy 

R19-02 COVID-19 DW Eligibility 

R19-03 Provision of Remote WIOA Services 

R21-01 Required Employer Registration in SCWOS & Effectiveness in Serving Employers

R21-02 Brazen Platform Policy (Virtual Events)

R21-03 Required SCWOS Referrals

R21-04 Change 2 IWT Policy COVID 19 Addendum effective September 11, 2020- until further notice

R21-05 WIOA Participant Eligibility attachments

R21-06 AIFT, Amendment 1 

R21-07 TAA/Dislocated Worker Co-enrollment Supporting forms

R21-08 Required Use of the SCWOS Greeter in SC Works Centers 

Upstate Local Instruction Letters:


24-01 Rights to File a Grievance or Complaint under WIOA
           English (add your contact info and contact info for Dana Hudgins)
           Spanish (add your contact info and contact info for Dana Hudgins)


23-01 Amendment 1 Incident Reporting Instructions


none issued.


21-01 Required Use of SCWOS Referrals

21-02 Amendment 1 Participant Eligibility Attachments

21-03 Amendment 1 Advance Individual Fund Tracking Attachments 


20-04 - Performance Data Validation for DOL Workforce Programs

20-03- TAA Occupational Skills Training Approval Policy

20-02-Soft Skills Instruction and Activity Code

20-01- Amendment 3 WIOA Participant Insurance 


19-01- Managing Employer Accounts

19-02- Managing Job Orders

19-03-Wagner-peyser Reporting Requirements

19-04- SC Works Center and the OneStop Delivery System

19-05- Sanctions 

19-06 Required Empolyer Registration is SCWOS

19-07 Determining High Poverty Area for WIOA Youth Program Eligibility

19-08 Amendment 1 WIOA Youth Program Eligibility, Expenditures and Service Requirements Attachments 

19-09, Amendment 4 - Income Guidelines 



18-01  Individual Employment Plans
            Attachment - IEP Procedures

18-02  Guardian Signatures for WIOA Youth Eligibility
            Attachment - Guardianship Form

18-03  WIOA Participation and Federal Student Loan Defaults
            Attachment - Curing Federal Student Loan Defaults

18-04  Youth Referral Log
             Attachment - Referral Log

18-05  WIA vs. WIOA

18-06  Data Changes for Workforce Programs

18-07  Youth Grant Modification Procedures
             Attachment - Modification Form

18-08  TAA Participant Source Document Management

18-09  Youth Participant Follow-up

18-10  To Request Technical Assistance & Site Visits
             Request for Technical Assistance and/or Site Visit Form

18-11  WIOA Funded Travel
             Request for Approval of Out-of-Area Travel Form

18-12  Youth Objective Assessment and Individual Service Strategy (ISS)

18-13  Definition of "Substantial Layoff"



17-02  Missed Events

17-03  Buy American 

17-04  Wagner-Peyser Reporting Requirements & Activity Codes

17-05  Effective Use of Initial Assessment for Wagner-Peyser Customers
             Initial Assessment Form
             Multi-Agency Referral Form

17-06 Amendment 1, WIOA Fund Utilization

17-07  Change 3, Participation Cost Rate Policy

17-08  Amendment 1 Trade Adjustment Assistance Mileage Reimbursement

17-09 Amendment 3 Application Procedures for the Eligible Training Provider's List

17-10  Re-Entry Supportive Services Policy, Amendment 1 

17-11  Conflict of Interest Regarding Entities Performing Multiple Functions

17-12 Employer Service Performance Indicators and Employer Service Codes

17-13 Amendment 2 Youth Work Experience

17-14 Amendment 2 Federal Funding Documentation

17-15  Records Retention

17-16 Co-Enrollment 


16-01 Trade Adjustment Assistance Warning and Recovation Letters

16-02 Changes to SCWOS Terms and Conditions

16-03 Workplace Civility

16-04 Legal Aid Services for WIOA Title I Participants

16-05 Change 3 Homeless Veteran's  Reintegration Program 

16-06 Grievance and Complaint Procedures under WIOA

16-07 Trade Adjustment Assistance Vouchers

16-08 SCWOS Partner Privileges

16-10 Amendment 1 Sanctions for Violations of Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Provisions

16-11 Mileage Reimbursement Rate

16-12 Equal Opportunity is the Law Notices 

16-13 UI Resources for SC Works Staff

16-15 Confidentiality of Equal Opportunity Records

16-16 Facility and Program Accessibility under WIOA
           Disability Access Checklist

16-17 Implementation of the Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Requirements of WIOA

16-19 Discrimination Complaint Procedures under WIOA

16-21 OneStop Certification Standards Local Procedures



15-04 Impact of Approved WIA Waivers under WIOA

15-08 Expungement Application Process for General Sessions (replaces 13-15)

15-10 Amendment 3 SC Works Upstate Internal and External Communication Policy (replaces 11-15)


15-11 Amendment 1 Locally Defined Youth Characteristics

15-12 Amendment 1 Youth Eligibility and Suitability 

15-14 Amendment 2 Internal Emergency Notification Procedure


14-06 SCWOS WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker Activity Code Changes

14-07 Selective Service


13-01 WIA Participant File Storage

13-02 Amendment 1 Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

13-03 Amendment 1 Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Services Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan

13-05 Paying for Repeat WIA Funded Training-Classes

13-06 Active Instruction Letters

13-09 DWU Early Warning Notice

13-13 Amendment 2 Inventory Control

                   Transfer Form
                   Disposal Form
                   New Item Form

13-16  Amendment 1 Employer Accounts & Job Posting Policy

13-18 Residency Policy for the Upstate WIA

13-20 Tracking Training Related Employment

13-21 Participant Release of Information Form

13-24 Suitability Requirements for WIA

13-25  Refocused Roles and Responsibilities of JVSG Staff Change 1


12-01 Amendment 2 Revised Financial Status Report Supplement (FSR-S) Form

12-02 TAA Definition of Commuting Area

12-04 Social Media Guidelines

12-06 Amendment 1 Use of Self-Attestation & Documentation Related to WIA Eligibility

12-07 Business Size Classification


11-05 Documenting Employer Services in Visual OneStop

11-08 Participant Follow-up Policy

11-14 SC Works Upstate Branding Guidelines & Expectations

11-16 Veterans & Eligible Persons Job Referral Priority

11-17 Veterans Gold Card Incentive

11-18 Credentials Policy

11-19 Selective Service Registration Requirements for WIA Funded Programs

11-20 SC Works Online Services Staff Credentials & System Integrity

11-22 SC Works Center Leadership Team Roles & Responsibilities & Functional Supervision

11-24 TAA Definition of the Commuting Area

11-25 Supportive Services Activity Record Usage in SCWOS


10-06 WIA Participant Lifetime ITA Cap



08-02 Pre-Award Criteria: Business Relocation-Expansion

08-04 Definition of Satisfactory Progress

08-07 Payment of Stipends Versus Wages for Work Experience

08-09 Definition of Substantial Layoff

08-10 Collection & Use of Social Security Numbers for WIA & TAA Participants




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