About Us


Advancing the Future of Business and Community


  • Uncompromising integrity in all situations
  • Honestly and justly holding each other accountable in ethical challenges
  • Embracing different perspectives, experiences, cultures, backgrounds, talents, and contributions of others
  • Striving for excellence in workforce and community development

PY24 Meeting Dates (See events for location and time)
Board Meeting:                          One Stop Committee:                 Youth Committee:                 Disabilities Committee: 

August 26, 2024                         August 2, 2024                             September 24, 2024              September 17, 2024
October 28, 2024                       October 4, 2024                            December 10, 2024               December 3, 2024 
January 27, 2025                       January 10, 2025                          February 11, 2025                 February 25, 2025
March 31, 2025                          March 7, 2025                               April 29, 2025                         May 6, 2025
June 2, 2025                               May 9, 2025


  • Ann Angermeier

    Ann Angermeier
    Executive Director
    o: 864.596.2028
    Email Ann

  • Dana Hudgins

    Dana Hudgins
    Associate Director/COO
    o: 864.596.2028
    c: 864-809-1476
    Email Dana

  • Brent Bishop

    Brent Bishop
    Finance Manager
    o: 864.596.2028
    Email Brent

  • Nikoya Shaw

    Nikoya Shaw
    Community Impact Director/Executive Assistant
    o: 864-596-2028
    Email Nikoya

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