Your opportunity is NOW! Employers in our area are eager to hire you at a great wages! Let us help connect you.
We focus on the following in-demand industries: Manufacturing, Construction Trades, Logistics, Distribution and HealthCare.
Have a barrier to employment (disability, criminal background, no transportation)? We can help! We have many employers that work with individuals with disabilities, we have lots of 2nd chance employers and access to transportation assistance.
Ready to go to work and not interested in traditional classroom training? Let us connect you with an employer to do PAID on the job training (OJT). OJT is permanent full-time employment with local employers (not temp work)!
If you are receiving assistance from other community partners programs such as TANF, SNAP, Housing Vouchers, etc. you automatically qualify for services! If you are concerned working may impact your benefits, you might be surprised. Let us discuss the available opportunities and impacts it may have (often times you get more benefits).
Visit: for more information.
Are you 16 years or older and need one or more of the following?
High School Diploma or GED? We have FREE programs that can assist you. We even offer transportation to and from class.
Occupational skills training? We have training scholarships that cover tuition, books, transportation, uniforms, etc.
Don't have work experience? It's ok, we have resources for that too! We can place you on a 12-week PAID work experience to help you gain experience.