The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires that local areas develop a four-year action plan (and update it every 2 years) to align and integrate service delivery strategies that support the State's vision and strategic and operational goals.

WIOA requires the Governor to identify local workforce areas and regions. The Upstate Workforce Board is comprised of Cherokee, Spartanburg and Union counties. The Upstate Workforce Board is part of the Greater Upstate Region. Also included in the region are Worklink, Greenville, and Upper Savannah Development Boards.

  • The plans must identify and describe the policies, procedures, and workforce activities carried out in the local area as well as the region. Below you can view our Local and Regional Plans with all supporting documentation.  

Local Plan 2024-2028
Local Plan Signature Page

Regional Plan 2024-2028

Please email if you would like to review any related attachments. 






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