The Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) Program provides funding for training needed in current businesses due to expansion, new technology, retooling, new services/product lines and new organizational structuring or as part of a layoff aversion strategy. IWT may also fund training in new businesses if those jobs are ineligible for assistance through ReadySC™. However, there will be a waiting period of 120 days for new or expanding businesses that displaced workers elsewhere in the United States. IWT is funded by the Federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Applications are open to all South Carolina businesses meeting the guidelines listed below.


SC Works Greater Upstate is not accepting applications for Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) Grants at this time.

For questions, please contact SC Works Greater Upstate Regional Business Solutions Manager, at or 864.810.0315

Local IWT Policy 

Applications that are incomplete and/or contain an incorrect budget form will be excluded from the review process and deemed ineligible for IWT funds. 

All application packets require the following forms:  IWT Attachment A - Program Funding Application, Application Checklist, IWT Attachment Q - Initial Trainee Information and IWT Attachment M - Self-Attestation Form

IWT Attachment A - Program Funding Application In past years, there have been errors on the budget sheet regarding the required employer match. You are highly encouraged to contact for assistance with the form prior to submitting your application.

IWT Attachment B - IWT Procedures

IWT Attachment C - Pre-Award Review

IWT Attachment D - Conflict of Interest Statement

IWT Attachment E - Scoring Sheet

IWT Attachment F - Application Summary Sheet (internal document)

IWT Attachment G- Local Agreement Package

IWT Attachment H - W9 Form

IWT Attachment I - Grant Routing Sheet 

IWT Attachment J- Trainee Progress Report

IWT Attachment K - Monitoring Report

IWT Attachment L - Modification Agreement

IWT Attachment M - Self Attestation Form 

IWT Attachment N - Quarterly Expenditure Snapshot (internal document) 

IWT Attachment O- Layoff Aversion Assessment

IWT Attachment P- Final Reports Package

IWT Attachment Q- Initial Trainee Information


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