Directions to Upstate WB Office:

From Columbia:
I-26 West to Spartanburg Exit 28 (Hwy 221). Turn right off ramp. Stay straight until you arrive in downtown Spartanburg. Turn right on Commerce Street. Park in Dunbar Street Parking Garage. Exit parking garage on Commerce Street. Walk down the sidewalk towards North Church Street. Enter the Business Technology Center lobby and take the elevator to the 5th floor. The WB office is located at the end of the hall. Please knock.
From Charlotte:
Take 1-85 South to Spartanburg Exit 78. Turn left off the ramp. Stay straight until the road merges with Hwy 9. Bare left when Hwy 9 merges with Church Street. Turn left on Commerce Street. Park in Dunbar Street Parking Garage. Exit parking garage on Commerce Street. Walk down the sidewalk towards North Church Street. Enter the Business Technology Center lobby and take the elevator to the 5th floor. The WB office is located at the end of the hall. Please knock.
From Atlanta:
Take I-85 North to Spartanburg Exit 72. Turn right at top of ramp. Continue straight. Turn right on St. John Street. Turn left on Church Street. Turn left on Commerce Street. Park in Dunbar Street Parking Garage. Exit parking garage on Commerce Street. Walk down the sidewalk towards North Church Street. Enter the Business Technology Center lobby and take the elevator to the 5th floor. The WB office is located at the end of the hall. Please knock.
GSP Address: 145 North Church Street, Spartanburg, SC 29306